Mother and Daughter . . .

Today I want to share something with you that my daughter wrote.  It’s about books and reading and how they enrich our lives and, perhaps, change us a little bit.

I carefully picked a book.

It was a shy book, with grace.

It opened slowly, gently,

And took me inside.

As I held it, it held me.

It made me laugh

And then I’d cry

It dried my tears

And comforted me

Then it was done with me.

I was sorry the book was over.

But I would never be sorry

I’d read the book.

We had shared something

I’d always remember.

My daughter passed away on Tuesday, May 5, but she left us with her thoughts and inspirations to soften our loss.
Be at peace, Lynda Rae Snyder.

Author, Ellie Pulikonda


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